Advancing owner and advisor business value and transition insight


A Sampling of “What They’ve Said”

Advisor Testimonial

“I knew of Ian Campbell’s reputation as a valuator, advisor and expert witness, but had not worked with him when I convinced a major Canadian corporation to permit me, their legal counsel, to engage him as a valuation advisor and expert in a very contentious and difficult mediation.  I very quickly realized the astuteness of my selection.  Ian is bright, knowledgeable, astute, articulate and comprehensive.  But the most important of his attributes is his unwavering honesty and directness.  Ian does not sugar-coat his advice, and although he never used the phrase “speak truth to power”, he certainly knew how to do it.  When the client, or I, failed to understand his advice or position, he explained it very clearly and directly.  Even more so when we did not like what he was saying.  When the other side had a strong, or even a defensible, position, he would explain why he could not make it disappear, and when our position was weak or untenable, he would point out its problems clearly and directly.  I would recommend engaging Ian only if you wish to hear his well-developed views clearly and repeatedly, or if you are interested in receiving thoughtful advice, sometimes forcefully given.”

David A. Jackson | Toronto, Ontario
Senior Counsel, Blake, Cassels & Graydon LLP | Corporate Director

Speaker Testimonials

“Financial success can create daunting complexities for the most financially astute. Moreover, in my Family Office experience many experts who masquerade as “experienced professionals” offering advice that often lacks strategic integration – particularly where a wealthy family is assessing where do they “go from here” or are in transition. That said, in this space Ian Campbell is a breath of fresh air. His wealth of experience as a business valuator and advisor to public and private corporations comes out loud and clear. His book 50 Hurdles: Business Transition Simplified addresses important issues such as:  a first transition fundamental that few talk about; central business value issues for families in transition; transition hurdles that may be barriers; and “where from here”. Ian is an excellent speaker. If you get the opportunity to read his book or hear him speak, you will not be disappointed.”

George Swan | Toronto, Ontario
Chairman, Forstar Family Office | Corporate Director

“Ian is an engaging and entertaining speaker.  His years of experience and superb reputation in the valuation field give him a level of confidence that is hard to duplicate. His desire to pass along his knowledge (& opinions!) to the audience comes across as genuine – making the audience want to hear all that he has to say.  He is articulate and speaks clearly, making him easy to listen to as the attendees focus on listening to his message about Business Transition based on his own unique perspective.”

Paul G. Stringer CPA, CA FEA | Grimsby, Ontario
Business Transition Partner, Durward Jones Barkwell LLP

Testimonials commending 50 Hurdles: Business Transition (2014) a book now out of print. It currently is being rewritten as a book series, with the first of five books expected to be available September 2019.

“In today’s news there are many articles related to Exit Planning for the business owner. The Book 50 Hurdles by Ian Campbell should be the business owner’s first read.  I own two companies and am involved with numerous business transactions. Campbell’s book can minimize risk, maximize dollars and save on emotional wear and tear.”

Ann Bennett | Denver, Colorado

“There are many who would presume to call themselves “experts” in this field, but Ian Campbell is one of the very few who can legitimately lay claim to that title.

Drawing upon Ian’s decades of advisory experience with privately-held companies, along with his keen understanding of human behaviour, ’50 Hurdles’ provides invaluable insight into the factors which will ultimately determine the success or failure of a business transition.

Anyone who owns a private business would benefit greatly from a thorough read of this book and reflecting on its implications for their own transition process. At the same time, the book will help their advisers to better work with their clients on transition issues.”

Chris Polson
Brattle Group | Toronto, Ontario
Past-President and Chairman, CFA Society

“50 Hurdles is an essential read for business transition advisors, lawyers, accountants and business families. It methodically and thoroughly dissects the component elements of successful business transition into manageably discrete concepts. Then, the various hurdles every transitioning business may face are categorized by organizing concepts such as fundamental, family and high-level hurdles. It is an excellent compendium for business transition process and discussion.”

Chris Delaney | London, Ontario
Family Wealth Strategist

Testimonials commending Economic Straight Talk, a blog dealing with economics, country specific economies, industries and business, and the financial markets – circa 2008 – 2012.

“Ian’s Straight Talk is one of the first things I read in the morning. It gives me a concise view of world economic events. His interpretations usually are thought provoking.”

Alan Kane | Los Angeles, California
Investment Advisor

“I read investor-type material extensively. Campbell’s Economic Straight Talk story picks and comments are the most valuable I see.  His sophisticated, unbiased approach places his e-letter at the ‘top of list’.”

Tony Simon | Vancouver, British Columbia