Advancing owner and advisor business value and transition insight

Author’s Curriculum Vitae

Ian R. Campbell, FCPA, FCA, FCBV
President, Business Transition Counsel Inc. and Transitus Publishing Inc.
Toronto, Canada

Ian R. Campbell is:

  1. a graduate of the University of Western Ontario’s Ivey Business School
  2. a Fellow of both the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario and the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators.
  3. is the author of, among other books:
    • a business valuation text published by Thomson Reuters titled Business Valuation Principles and Practice (1975).
    • business valuation texts published by Chartered Professional Accountants Canada, including The Valuation of Business Interests (2001).
    • the Business Transition and Valuation text 50 Hurdles, Business Transition Simplified (2014).
  4. is a past director of several publicly and privately held corporations.

In 1972 he founded, and for four years managed, the business valuation practice of what then was, and today is, one of Canada’s largest public accounting firms.

In 1976 he founded, and through 2004 managed, Toronto based Campbell Valuation Partners Limited. Until its sale in 2015 Campbell Valuation Partners Limited was one of Canada’s foremost independent business valuation consultancies.

Beginning in 1969 he has:

  1. advised hundreds of Canadian business owners and their professional advisors with respect to business valuation – some of whom engaged him to advise them on business transition planning, and others of whom engaged him to advise them on the sale of their businesses.
  2. testified in business valuation matters before Canadian courts, Commissions and tribunals in appraisal/oppression remedy shareholder dispute matters, in income tax cases, and in cases dealing with Canadian securities law.
  3. spoken on business valuation and business transition across Canada at conferences and seminars hosted by Canadian and Provincial CPA Associations, The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators, The Canadian Tax Foundation, and other professional and business organizations.
  4. interacted with, and rendered business valuation and transition advice to, a large cross-section of family (and non-family) business owners who have successfully transitioned their businesses through two or more generations.

The Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators recognizes his contribution to the Canadian business valuation profession through its annual funding of the Ian R. Campbell Research Initiative.